Ai Shijun (21S24)

The Road Less Taken Can Be Beautiful, Too – Growing Within and Beyond One’s Comfort Zone
When Ai Shijun joined Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) in 2021, music was always at the back of his mind. He knew he had always wanted to pursue music but was not sure about the pathways available to enter the music industry. Furthermore, the stereotype that music is not a viable career, especially in the context of pragmatic Singapore, sometimes pulled him away from pursuing his dream of working in the music industry.
“Many aspire to be doctors or lawyers… because of the small Singapore music market, people often ask if I was sure that music could be a viable career,” remarks Shijun. He had taken classical piano and vocal lessons from young and had developed a love for music but was not sure whether he should continue with his music journey. Fortunately for Shijun, a conversation with his Civics Tutor enabled him to gain clarity about pursuing his passion in music. “My Civics Tutor, Mr Steve Poh, took the time to listen to me and was very supportive. He advised me that if I really had an interest in music, I should go for it. But at the same time, he reminded me how important it was to still be responsible towards my education. I must still be able to manage my studies while I pursue my passion.” quips Shijun.
Determined to make it work, Shijun took every available opportunity he had in college to help him nurture his interest. He took part in music-related competitions such as the prestigious ‘Xin Kong Xia《新空下》National Schools Xinyao Singing and Song-writing Competition’ as well as JPJC’s talent competition, ‘JP Spotlight’. Shijun believes that participating in these competitions provided a critical platform for him to develop courage and confidence to share his love of music with others.
His passion for music was also nurtured in other ways through various college programmes. As Shijun was a member of the Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP), he also took part in a song-writing competition organised as part of CLEP and was also able to learn more about his other area of interest which was Chinese language and literature. His love for the Chinese language saw him participate in various competitions such as the CLEP Camp Writing Competition and the CLEP Three Lines Poem Writing Competition. Given his strengths, he received the ‘Excellence Award’ for both competitions. “CLEP lessons were very engaging and I appreciated my teacher’s detailed lessons which enabled me to gain interesting insights about various Chinese literary texts and poetry,” Shijun fondly recalls. Deepening his interest in the language also enabled him to prepare himself for his future plans in the music industry which is to compose and do musical arrangements for Chinese songs. “I am very inspired by a singer, Xilinnayi Gao, who is very well known in China but she studied in Singapore and went on to Berklee College of Music in the United States. I hope to follow in her footsteps,” Shijun excitedly shares, beaming as he expresses his ambition of breaking into the Chinese market. He took additional steps towards his dream, seeking out the college’s Education and Career Guidance Counselor on her advice in making his application.
In addition to deepening his appreciation for the Chinese language, which he hoped would help him in song-writing and composition, he also joined the JP Dance Club, a Co-Curricular Activity (CCA), which enabled him to enjoy music through dance and movement. He credited his dance instructor for also inspiring him to pursue music, “Our dance instructor was very inspirational as he was excellent in dance. One would think that he started dancing at a young age but in actual he fact, he only started in university. He taught us that if we put our mind to it, we can do well to pursue our passions regardless of our age.”
Whilst pursuing his passion for music and interest in dance, Shijun also had a rich college life which enabled him to have a truly holistic JC experience. He kept his promise to his Civics Tutor and managed to ensure that he kept up with the academic rigour in college. Shijun’s keen interest and aptitude in Mathematics saw him participating in Mathematics competitions such as the Singapore Mathematical Olympiad and in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Despite his already busy schedule, he also took up the opportunity to be an Orientation Group Leader (OGL) for the incoming JC1 students where Shijun honed other competencies. “I am typically quite quiet and although I love music, singing and composing, the opportunity to be an OGL helped me to be more outspoken around others so I think it will help me in the future when I embark on a music career,” Shijun reflects.
What is in store for Shijun in the future? Shijun has started sharing his music and musical arrangements on Netease cloud music and Douyin, apps which enable budding musical artists to share their music. He is also excited about his plan to pursue his passion in a music-related course in a university overseas. His advice for others who also hope to pursue music, “If music is something that lights up your world, go for it! It can also become reality if we take steps to work towards it and if we dare to dream!”