Enrichment Programmes

Seminars/Lectures by University lecturers
The CSE unit seeks to expand students’ horizons beyond the prescribed syllabus. As such, the unit has been working with various Institutes of Higher Learning such as Singapore Management University to organize seminar series related to Chinese economy, politics, society and international relations. When the opportunity arises, students are also given the chance to attend forums and lectures such as the Ho Rih Hwa Leadership Lecture Series which has featured renowned speakers, such as, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Ban Ki Moon, and Anwar Ibrahim.
Overseas Learning Journeys/Field Trips
CSE students have the opportunity for on-site learning in China. These experiential learning journeys aim to deepen students’ understanding of key content by visiting significant sites that tell about the economic, political, and social development of China. These sites include museums, urban planning exhibition halls, and even political institutes such as the Party Schools. In addition, learning journeys may also include lesson experience at local Chinese universities and immersion experience at local senior high schools. These are invaluable opportunities for CSE students to increase their understanding of the Chinese worldview.