Curriculum and Syllabus
The A-Level Art syllabuses, illustrated by the A-Level Art Syllabus Framework (image below), seeks to develop deep disciplinary understanding towards a sense of artistic agency at its core. To achieve this, the learner must develop the interconnected domains of ‘perception’ and ‘production’ that occur by situating each learner within an artistic practice which considers and responds to multiple contexts. Consequently, learning not only occurs within and for the artistic self, but also extends beyond to involve and reflect other individuals, societies, and cultures.

At Jurong Pioneer Junior College, we offer both H1 and H2 Art at the ‘A’ levels. The table below sums up briefly, the difference between the H1 and H2 programs.
Art Discourse
Art Discourse evaluates the candidate’s ability to engage in the appraisal of art’s meanings and its ability to reflect and shape society and culture. Candidates are expected to be able to engage with the visual characteristics of artworks and to conduct formal analysis. They should be able to form interpretations regarding artists’ intent, evaluate and comment on artworks in an informed and critical manner. Candidates are required to be sensitive to the ways art is made, encountered, and discussed in response to personal, social, and cultural issues and real-world needs. They should demonstrate an informed understanding of the six topics and their key concepts in the syllabus content:.
- Representation in Art
- Abstraction in Art
- Materials in Art
- Technology in Art
- People in Art
- Art in Society
Through responses to visual stimuli and essay questions, candidates demonstrate their abilities to use appropriate visual language, critically analyse artworks, issues, themes, or problems significant to Art practices. Candidates should note that all visual stimuli referred to in the question paper will be unseen and candidates must be prepared to apply their skills of visual literacy in their analysis and response. Candidates can draw links with their direct experience or environment to form personal opinions about the artworks or selected artists..