Enrichment Programmes

Competitions and Quizzes
The History Unit identifies and trains interested students for related competitions such as the History Bee and Bowl Asian Division as well as the Biennial ASEAN Quiz. These competitions provide participants opportunities to work together in teams as well as deepen their knowledge and skills in areas they are passionate in.Model United Nations (MUN) and Singapore Model Cabinet (SMC)
The History Unit identifies and trains interested JC1 and JC2 students for various MUN and SMC events held throughout the year to allow for a better understanding of these organizations as well as to hone perspective taking.Learning Journeys and Speaker Series
The History Unit utilizes Place-Based Learning through organizing learning journeys to sites such as the National Gallery. In addition, students also have the opportunity to attend talks and speaker series both internally and externally.Arts and Social Sciences Interest Programme
History students interested in stretching their learning can participate in the Arts and Social Sciences Interest Programme (ASSIP). The programme focuses on developing students’ multi and/or interdisciplinary understandings on topics concerning people, societies and social knowledge.