Malay Language Elective Programme
In 2012, Pioneer Junior College (PJC) was selected to be the 3rd Malay Language Elective Programme (MLEP) in Singapore. The Malay Language Elective Programme (MLEP) was introduced in 2001 by the Ministry of Education as a platform for students who have the interest and inclination to study Malay language at a higher level. The programme offers a wide range of activities to enhance students’ language skills and interest in Malay language, literature and culture. In 2019, MLEP continues to be offered at the new merged college, Jurong Pioneer Junior College.
MLEP is a two-year programme which prepares students for the GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Malay Language and Literature with the option to offer H3 Malay. The programme aims to develop Malay scholars who are ‘Advocates of Humanitarian Values’ (Penggerak Nilai Kemanusiaan).
Special Features and programmes
Features of the MLEP at JPJC include specialised enrichment activities, leadership and management skills programmes, local and overseas immersion programmes, producing publications and work-shadowing in corporate firms.
MLEP students in JPJC will attend an overseas Immersion Programme where they learn more about the Malay community, and the challenges which the community faces pertaining to preservation of identity, culture and language.
In line with our mission to develop Malay scholars who are ‘Advocates of Humanitarian Values’, there is an emphasis on community partnership. Collaborations with the community is key in understanding the community as well as playing an important role as an active member of the community. JPJC MLEP collaborates with external organisations such as Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP), Malay Heritage Centre and Keat Hong Community Centre to develop the programmes.
J2 MLEP Graduation Showcase
The Graduation Showcase is an annual performance by the JC2 MLEP students. After an enriching year in MLEP, the showcase is a culmination of their involvement and experience. Led by students and supported by teachers, the showcase is a theatre performance, incorporating acting, singing and dancing. The performance is an important aspect of their appreciation of the Malay arts and culture.

MOE Overseas Immersion Trip
Each year, MOE CPDD organises a MLEP Overseas Immersion Trip for all MLEP students from the five MLEP centres. Not only do they get the opportunity to delve deeper into Malay literature, language, and culture, but participating in a trip with other MLEP students provides holistic and enriching learning experiences, encompassing academic, cultural, and personal growth for our students.

Other College-based MLEP enrichment programmes
Our MLEP students are exposed to a wide variety of weekly college-based activities such as song writing, creative writing, dikir barat as well as joint CLEP-MLEP enrichment programme, etc.

JC2 LEP Graduation Ceremony
Annually, a JC2 LEP Graduation Ceremony is held to say goodbye to the graduating JC2 MLEP class. During this event, they will receive a JPJC MLEP Portfolio as a symbol marking the conclusion of their rewarding journey.

Malay Heritage Centre Student Guides Programme
MLEP students attend the workshop with Malay Heritage Centre to prepare for their role as docents to the Malay Heritage Gallery. This programme aims to build confidence in interacting with the public and provide a good understanding of the Malay culture and heritage.

Windows of Work (WOW) by Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP)
Under the three-phase programme by Young AMP, MLEP students undergo useful training sessions like personality profiling, CV writing, personal grooming, effective communication, as well as project presentation skills, before working together in teams to pitch their own business proposals to the Young AMP Board of Management.
The Work Shadowing Programme gives our students the opportunity to be mentored by distinguished professionals, so that they could be guided to make good choices in Higher Education and future career.
Prior to the attachment, students attend workshops and are exposed to career developmental skills in both formal and informal creative settings.

MP Attachment
As part of community engagement, MLEP students were privileged to shadow the Grassroots Leader of Choa Chua Kang GRC during the Meet-the-Residents session. During the sessions, MLEP students were given the opportunity to witness and understand community issues better and know what it is like to be a leader of the community. Future collaborations with Keat Hong CC will extend their involvement in the community. This includes leadership training and activities that centre on Malay Language and Culture.
Such attachment opportunities aim to develop in our MLEP students’ leadership skills, broaden their worldview, and prepare them to be leaders of the community.
For Further Clarification
Please contact Subject Head, Language Elective Programme, Mrs Tan-Lim Soh Whee at or Senior Teacher, Mdm Siti Atiqah Punari at