Nanyang Technological University Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award – Honoured Teachers
The NTU Koh Boon Hwee Scholars award recognises teaching excellence and the impact great teachers have on their students. Together with the Singapore Government's dollar-for-dollar matching contribution, the gift established an endowment fund that supports the award.
The award acknowledges the accomplishments of NTU’s exceptionally talented graduating students, who display strong leadership ability and have demonstrated great potential to contribute to the society. The award also allows the students to honour their nominated teachers for their dedication and contributions in inspiring and providing youths with an outstanding holistic education.
These teachers are honoured at the NTU Convocation where they are also recognised for their inspirational teaching by having individual S$5,000 cash grants established in their names. Each honoured teacher can nominate a student from their junior colleges, polytechnics or equivalent institutions to receive the S$5,000 grant upon admission to NTU.
This year, JPJC takes immense pride in celebrating the achievement of two outstanding alumni who have received this award, expressing gratitude to the teachers who played a pivotal role in shaping their educational journey during their time in junior college.

Alex Lim Tze Ming
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Computational Thinking and Education,
wishes to honour:
Ms Tan Su Lynn
Jurong Pioneer Junior College
“Ms Tan Su Lynn was one of my Students’ Council Teacher Advisors when I was in the 16th Student Council in Pioneer Junior College. She was also directly in charge of the Publications Committee, in which I held the role of the Head of Publications. Throughout my time in the Students’ Council, she was an extremely nurturing teacher, and I always remember how her positive encouragement pushed my Publications team on, as it was the first time we had a Publications Committee in the school. We were ultimately able to create the first publications for PJC thanks to her guidance. Her nurturing words and positivity are things I hope to carry forward in my future self as a teacher.”

Divya d/o Nanthakumaran
Bachelor of Engineering (Bioengineering)
wishes to honour:
Mr Gan Xin Li
Jurong Pioneer Junior College
“To make sure that his students fully get the content, Mr. Gan collaborates with them outside of class. Because of his attention to detail, our class was better able to comprehend the science underlying the idea. I had trouble understanding topics because I had a combined science background and was attending JC. I used to consistently perform poorly at Biology and was on the verge of giving up. However, Mr. Gan frequently checked in with me personally, inspired me, and connected me with resources that helped me improve on the subject. Also, I still recall how he spent his weekends training our class for Project Work, which helped our entire class earn an A. I can say with certainty that he has contributed significantly to why I am able to go above and beyond to further improve my skills and interests so that I can thrive in them now.”