Class of 2022
Class of 2022

- Diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease from the tender age of three, Narmatha (21A05) overcame several challenges in her JC journey with grit and grace.
- Despite losing her father suddenly before the start of her final year in JC, Rukhsana Bi D/O Abdul Wahid (21A07) excelled as an ODAC leader and MLEP scholar.
- Having bravely hit the ‘restart’ button after a rollercoaster journey of hardships, Tan Wee Teck, Alfonso (21S20) thrived in JPJC in 2022 with an abundance of academic and enrichment opportunities, and is grateful for the strong support network he had in college.
- Having spent all her growing years away from Singapore, Tan Qian Yu Bridget (21A05) returned to pursue her A Levels in JPJC and found ‘home’, having the opportunity to grow roots and serve the community both in college, and beyond.
- Having joined JC from polytechnic, Lee Wei En’s (21S24) unconventional journey bears testament to the fact that there are no fixed pathways to success and pursuing one’s passion.
- An avid writer who would pen Chinese poems to relieve her stress, Chionh Wan Qi (21A01) deepened her learning of the Chinese language through JPJC’s Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP). The programme has also allowed her to deepen her love for Chinese language and culture, and more clearly narrow down her career options related to this field.
- Stepping out beyond the world she had known, Chloe Yeoh Zi Lin (21A01) seized every opportunity in JPJC, stretching herself in the aspects of CCA, CLEP and VIA, and transformed from a quiet student into a confident, articulate individual.
- His MLEP teachers’ care and dedication for students in the programme was instrumental in Lutfi Bin Semarluki’s (21A06) decision to pursue teaching. As an ambassador of the Malay language and culture, Lutfi hopes to set a good example for the younger generations and sow the seeds of love for the language and culture in his students.
- As he embarked on offering H2 Computing as an examinable subject in JPJC, the rich, multi-faceted curriculum experience that the Computing Department offered provided Thirumoorthi Prakash Kumar (21S22) with countless opportunities, and helped him crystallise his vision and dream of pursuing a career in computing.
- In line with her philosophy of growth and taking the path less trodden, How Zhi Qi (21S24) is admirable in her tenacity and passion in pursuing her love for art, while broadening her horizons and remaining open to taking up other disciplines for her JC and university education.
- Whilst pursuing his passion for music and interest in dance, Ai Shijun (21S24) also had a rich college life which enabled him to have a truly holistic JC experience. This ranged from involvements in the CLEP programme, to prestigious Mathematics competitions.