JC2 Farewell Assembly
On October 8, the college held its annual JC2 Farewell Assembly for the Class of 2021. This annual affair marked a significant milestone in the cohort’s JC journey. Even as the event marked the last official day of school for the Class of 2021, it also celebrated their accomplishments, growth and wonderful memories throughout their two years in the college. In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for Safe Management Measures (SMM), the Farewell Assembly was organised at the class level. Nevertheless, it was no less significant and poignant, as such a format still allowed for the entire cohort to participate in a coordinated programme.
In keeping with the cohort’s Orientation theme from 2020, the theme for this year's Farewell Assembly was ‘Orion’. The day started with the customary mortar board hat making session before all classes joined a live Zoom session. The Zoom session entailed many segments. In particular, our School Leaders shared encouraging messages with the cohort. Well wishes from the Parent Support Group, the JC1 cohort and groups from various Co-Curricular Activities were also shared with the cohort. The highlight was the staple favourite of all students – the Departmental Well-wishes segment, where they saw their beloved teachers put together lively and interesting video montages to spur them on in this last leg of the journey towards the GCE A Level examination. Various virtual quizzes were also held, which the cohort participated enthusiastically in.
In a meaningful conclusion to the event, each JC2 student was presented with a special graduation memento – an EZLink card with the message ‘Illuminate Your Journey’ printed on it. Each class also took the opportunity to take photographs, albeit with SMM in place, using the specially designed photo booths they had set up in each homeroom. It was indeed a Farewell Assembly to remember, one made special and even more cherished in the light of current circumstances.