Total Defence Day Commemoration
In line with Singapore’s Total Defence Day 2021 theme, “Together We Keep Singapore Strong”,
Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) commemorated Total Defence Day with elements of blended learning. This facilitated the meaningful participation of the entire college despite constraints posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Total Defence Day (TDD) Virtual Engagement Talk with Speakers for JC2 Students
In collaboration with the College’s Education & Career Guidance Committee, the National Education and Service Learning (NESL) Committee organised the TDD Virtual Engagement Talk for the JC2 students on 18 February 2021. Mr Augustine Tan, Director (Business Development) of UglyFood and Mr Wong Choon Bong, Director (Strategic Resources & Policy Office/ Workforce), Ecosystem Development Division of Cyber Security Agency of Singapore were invited to share with our JC2 students on the perspectives, skill sets and dispositions required to overcome the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure business continuity, as well as the importance of Digital Defence in protecting and defending ourselves and our nation online. During the engagement, students participated actively in the session and asked questions to learn more about how different stakeholders can come together collectively to play a part in Total Defence.
TDD Class Engagement for JC1 Students
Our JC1 cohort was engaged through an interactive Quizziz segment, to help them reflect on the continuing relevance of the six Total Defence pillars (military, civil, economic, social, digital and psychological), followed by an in-class discussion on how each of us can and must play an active role in Total Defence. This form of engagement allowed students to better appreciate the integrative nature of all six pillars and the role that each and every one of us play in Total Defence. This was particularly important in overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
TDD Quiz and Reflective Expression
To close the learning cycle, both cohorts engaged in a finale activity to brainstorm and complete the Reflective Expression related to the 2021 Total Defence Theme of “Together We Keep Singapore Strong” as a class. This offered an opportunity for the CCE Representatives to lead their classes in reflection. Our students’ creativity could be seen in the various innovative expressions submitted. Prizes were awarded to the top submissions for each cohort. Students also participated in an interactive TDD Quiz on the 6 pillars of Total Defence, co-designed by students from Community Engagement Council. The objective of the quiz was to refresh the importance of the 6 pillars of Total Defence in an engaging and interactive way.Students also won prizes for the top three scores for the quiz for each cohort.
The Total Defence Day commemoration was conducted successfully for both JC1 and JC2. The event bore testimony to the fact that technology could indeed an important enabler to better engage the students in the teaching of Character and Citizenship Education.
“The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the power of Total Defence…We can be assured that with Total Defence, not only can Singapore survive each crisis but will emerge stronger and with Singaporeans more united. This is the power of Total Defence.” – Total Defence Day 2021 Message to Schools.