CCA Leaders Investiture
On 12 August 2022, the college held its CCA Leaders’ Installation for the newly elected JC1 Student Councillors and CCA Leaders. This was the first time a combined ceremony was held to commemorate both the investiture of the 5th Student Councillors and the installation of the 5th CCA Leaders. The theme chosen for this event was ‘Symphony’, signifying the need for student leaders to work harmoniously together during their leadership stint.
The ceremony began with a pre-recorded opening address by the Principal, Dr Hang Kim Hoo, who commended the students for believing in their own leadership potential and their willingness to learn to be a better leader. He urged them to remain humble in their service to others and to apply the key principles of leadership in all that they do: to model the way, to inspire a shared vision, to challenge the process, to enable others to act, and to encourage the hearts of the people they are serving.
The President of the 5th Student Council, Lee Yoonji 22S02, also addressed the college for the first time. In her speech, Lee Yoonji rallied her Student Councillors and CCA leaders to continuously strive to actively learn and be proactive, create new standards of excellence and set an example for others to follow. She also took this opportunity to share her vision for the college and asked her fellow leaders to play their part and continue to put in effort in achieving goals as a college. Weaving the theme of the event into her speech, she mentioned, ‘Just like how each note, though seemingly small in comparison to the whole musical piece contributes to the melody, so too, does each and every one of us in achieving what’s best for this college.’
The ceremony then proceeded with the introduction of each individual CCA leader, during which they struck poses that were unique to their CCA, adding a fun element to the event. The event concluded with a re-introduction of all CCA leaders via the red-carpet walk-in segment and the recitation of the CCA leaders pledge, led by the 5th Student Council President Lee Yoonji.