4th Student Council Investiture & CCA Leaders Installation
On 26th January 2022, Jurong Pioneer Junior College (JPJC) was introduced to its 4th Student Council and 4th cohort of CCA Leaders via a video presentation during the weekly Civics & Tutorial (CT) lesson. Originally scheduled to take place in July 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions on mass gatherings and strict Safe Management Measures meant that the Student Council Investiture and the CCA Leaders Installation had to be postponed indefinitely. However, with the gradual resumption of face-to-face CCA activities at the end of 2021, both the Student Council and the Student Leadership Committee began discussions on how our student leaders could be given recognition for taking on the mantle of leadership in the college and their respective CCAs since June 2021. Two videos were conceptualised, with one video dedicated to the Student Council, and another for the CCA leaders.
The Student Planning Committee (SPC) of the Student Council video comprised of several Student Councillors, creatively produced a video to firstly introduce the key appointment holders in the Council i.e. the President, Vice President (Operations), Vice President (House) and the Heads of Publications and Welfare, as well as the House Captains and Vice House Captains, and the various executives from the Welfare and Publications Committee. The video also highlighted the roles of the Student Council in the College as well as the numerous initiatives by the Esprit, Welfare and Publications Committees in enhancing the vibrancy of the college.
The President of the 4th Student Council, Herwin A/L Manivannan from 21S10, delivered his first formal address, where he rallied the school population to continue supporting and encouraging one another as the cohort prepares for the upcoming GCE A Level Examinations. He also reiterated how both the Student Council and the school population have a part to play in building a cohesive and supportive college culture. He commended the CCA Leaders for their resilience in overcoming the challenges brought upon by COVID-19. He shared, ‘Today I wish to acknowledge the perseverance of all our leaders for being able to navigate through the challenges that COVID-19 presented. This clearly exemplifies one of JPJC’s values of being resilient. I would also like to thank all of you for cooperating and being supportive of them as well.’
The CCA leaders’ video was conceptualised by a separate SPC comprising six CCA leaders from different CCA groups, namely Jeven Lim Jie Feng (Captain, Floorball), Peh Cheng Fong (Vice House Captain, Floorball), Jesslyn Tan You Zhen (Captain, Ultimate Frisbee), Ethan Yeoh Jian Zhe (Vice President, Infocomm Club), Koh Li Jie Ryan (Vice Captain, Athletics), Jacintha Chew (Vice President, JP Press) and Kumaran Yoshita (Student Council).
This video introduced each CCA leader by name, and this was achieved through creative action clips which showcased the CCA leaders in action, followed by various poses in front of the camera. This video also showcased the different CCAs to the school population, illustrating the diverse nature of CCAs and the various opportunities and platforms available for students to discover and develop their talents and interests. The CCA leaders were given autonomy on how they would like their CCA to be depicted and worked together with the SPC in the filming during the December holidays.
All in all, these installation videos gave an opportunity to recognise the student leaders of JPJC and acknowledge their contributions in their respective roles, and celebrated their passion and efforts in contributing to a more vibrant and cohesive college culture.